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[FY09/23 Announcement of Financial Results] Consolidated transaction volume of 104.5 billion yen billion yen (196% YoY), consolidated sales of 23.1 billion yen (170% YoY), operating income was 3.73 billion yen (before impairment losses) ,a significant increase over the previous year.

We are pleased to announce the announcement of financial results for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023 for the 17th term.


Positioning this term as the 3rd term of the 2nd stage "Restart" after listing, by implementing the medium- to long-term growth strategy "AirTrip 5000" and the growth strategy for FY09/23 "AirTrip 'Restart'" from this term, consolidated transaction volume of 104.5 billion yen billion yen (196% YoY), consolidated sales of 23.1 billion yen (170% YoY),  and operating income was 3.73 billion yen (before impairment losses) , a significant increase from the previous year. Operating income (net of impairment losses) was 2.39 billion yen,and we made a conservative decision early on with respect to the outlook for each business and strategically recorded valuation losses and impairment losses.


In the AirTrip Online Travel Business, boosted by the growing demand for domestic travel with the increase in demand associated with the transition of the COVID-19 to Class 5, we will steadily capture the growing demand for domestic travel by continuing AirTrip branding measures in various directions and strategic marketing investment to respond to the increase in travel demand, which drives the entire business portfolio as a pillar of earnings.


Existing business areas other than the AirTrip Online Travel Business [IT Off-shore Development Business, Inbound Travel Agency / Wi-Fi Rental Business, Media Business, Investment Business (AirTrip CVC), Regional Revitalization Business,Cloud Business] are all performing well and steadily. We are promoting further business portfolio construction and strategically building and strengthening the “AirTrip Economic Zone”.


In the Inbound Travel Agency / Wi-Fi Rental Business performed well, steadily capturing the recovery in inbound demand, and core subsidiary Inbound Platform Corp. (Securities Code: 5587) was newly listed on the Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


In the Investment Business (AirTrip CVC), our investee companies AVILEN Inc.(Securities code: 5591) and Japan M&A Solution Incorporated (Securities code: 9236) were newly listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market, marking the 15th IPO for our investee companies.

In addition, the 2nd AirTrip CVC Awards will be held in January 2024.


We have announced our growth strategy for the current fiscal year, "AirTrip 2024. By expanding earnings in the AirTrip Online Travel Business and continuing growth in the six existing businesses other than the AirTrip Online Travel Business, we aim to achieve a consolidated group transaction volume of 500 billion yen at the fastest pace possible, ahead of the transitional target at the time of the announcement of the medium-term growth strategy "AirTrip 5000".


Going forward, the AirTrip Group will promote strategic business portfolio building by launching at least one new business each year, and aim for endless growth by achieving the mid- to long-term growth strategy "AirTrip 5000" and expanding operating income to 5 billion yen and 10 billion yen, respectively.


Our forecast for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024 is based on the conservative assumptions of 120 billion yen in transaction volume and 26 billion yen in net sales, mainly from existing businesses. The profit aspect of our group's future earnings forecast is "not disclosed" because it is difficult to appropriately and reasonably calculate the impact of the following factors on the profit aspect of our business performance at this point in time.


・To achieve the aim of the mid- to long-term growth strategy "AirTrip 5000" at the fastest possible pace, we are actively considering investments for the future, launching new businesses, and considering M&A.


・To strengthen the AirTrip economic zone by restructuring the business portfolio in a positive manner.


Going forward, the AirTrip Group will aim for endless growth by expanding earnings in the AirTrip Online Travel Business through strategic marketing investments to meet the growing demand for domestic and international travel, and by continuing to grow its six existing businesses outside the AirTrip Online Travel Business and promoting strategic business portfolio building.

Sales Volume(Million yen) 120,000
Net sales(Million yen) 26,000
Operating income(Million yen)
Profit attributable to owners of parent(Million yen)

Please see our IR page for details.